ASDA Walmartone UK

Last Updated on October 11, 2024 by David Schmidt

ASDA WalmartOne UK Employee Login.

UK visitors to the Walmartone ASDA website (all ASDA colleagues/employees) will now need to login from the same Walmart One login page as the US Walmart Associates.

The UK ASDA Colleagues login was originally found at The original Walmartone ASDA UK login page had a primarily green background vs the blue backgound colour that was found on the US WalmartOne login page.

However, since the WalmartOne, Walmart Wire and Walmartone ASDA websites were merged in 2019, the new login page for both UK and US associates will be at an url beginning with, followed by a long string of letters depending on your locations.

The old website no longer exists, but entering this address will re-direct you to the new ASDA Walmartone login page.

If you want do go directly to the UK ASDA Walmartone Username/Password login page, then the easiest way is to visit the link directly.

WalmartOne ASDA Login.

To log in to ASDA WalmartOne UK, do the following:

  1. Go to The page will automatically re-direct you to the new Sign In page for US and UK associates.
  2. Enter your WalmartOne User ID and Password in the top two fields. The system is here asking for your ASDA Walmart One User ID, which is different from your WIN Number.  An example of a User ID would be: wm5p4rk. If you are a new ASDA employee, you will need to register for a Walmartone ASDA account first, before you can access the ASDA Walmartone portal from home or from your mobile phone.
  3. Check that the User ID and password are entered correctly, as they are case sensitive. Make sure to check for unintentional added “spaces”, as spaces count as character.
  4. From the first drop-down menu, choose “United Kingdom” as your country.
  5. From the second drop-down menu, choose your department.
  6. Then click on “Sign In”.
  7. You will now be signed in to the ASDA Walmartone UK portal.
walmartone asda
Fill out all the fields to log in to the Walmarone ASDA website.


asda walmartone com uk login
The old UK version of the WalmartOne start page looked like this screenshot. If you are expecting this page, then you will be disappointed, as it was removed following the Walmartone and ASDA Walmartone merger.

Walmartone ASDA Registration.

To register for an ASDA Walmartone account as a new ASDA employee, visit the registration page at:

Choose your Country (UK) and click on GO.

You will need the following details to register for a ASDA Walmart One account:

Your Walmart Identification Number (WIN Number).
Your birthday.
The date you were hired. Ask your supervisor, if you are not sure of the date.
Your email address.

Follow the instructions on the screen to register your new Walmart One ASDA account.

I Forgot my ASDA Walmartone UK User ID.

If you have forgotten your ASDA Colleagues User ID, then visit this link and enter your email address (the email address that you registered with) and fill out the CAPTCHA.

Your ASDA WalmartOne User ID will be emailed to you.

I Forgot my ASDA Walmartone UK Password.

If you have forgotten your ASDA WalmartOne UK Password, then visit this link for password recovery.

You will need to know your WalmartOne User Name to recover your password.

Contact ASDA WalmartOne Support.

Visit the Support page if you have a question or problem. In the frequently assked questions section, you will find answers for the most common questions regarding the employee platform.

If you have questions about how to obtain your (WalmartOne Identity Number) WIN number, have questions about booking holidays, or if your having problems with the login process, then call the ASDA WalmartOne HR Shared Services on: 0113 2919000.

You will need your WIN number (leading with 222) for WalmartOne enrollment/registration, and not your Walmart Number.

If you are technical login problems, then call the ASDA UK ISD Service Desk on:
Internal: #6123 – Option 2
External: 0113 8261262

You can also ask a question or write a complaint in the comment section below this page.


117 thoughts on “ASDA Walmartone UK

  1. Hi i had no problem logging on to Walmart one 2 step verification until yesterday. Had my password & Ni number saved with Google. Now when i go to log in i get a blank box for password and Ni box not there. I know its not its not me. why can’t Hrss stop playing about with walmart one

  2. Why does Asda constantly cause distress to their hard working employees? You can not log in to the staff portal the website is a disgrace. I think they do it deliberately to keep their employees as slaves. It might work in the USA but in the Uk we will not tolerate it.Sort it or face the concequencies of your stores being boycotted in the UK

  3. Try to log on & it come up sorry an error pop up & please contact your administrator for assistance & provide a reference number. The reference number coming up cqrwsy

  4. very simple they planned this system change in January knowing that a lot of the colleagues still have holidays to be taken before 01/04/20. Nobody will be able to book their holiday days therefore they will be lost and they will not have to pay them alleging that it was your responsibility to take them within the deadline. Greatest way to save money on your staff. It took a month and half to get the log in details for the new system, it works well from work but impossible to make it work at home, Their so called help over the phone can’t be bother, office staff can’t be bother. Surely they understand that it is illegal to not provide payslip to their staff.

  5. Walmartone ASDA is absolutely not fit for purpose. Every time I try to log in it takes hours of going from one site to another. ASDA sort this out once and for all and just provide One SIMPLE LINK to access our details. Surely not much to ask from a Multi Billion Dollar Company….. Sort it out.

  6. Yet again Walmart website as difficult as ever, can,t access my account because of changes to their site, now got to waste more time trying to work out how to fix problem.

  7. Mine says…dont recognise username/password combination….help.
    I’m using a galaxy tablet, never had a problem until I left it to last minute to sign new contract

  8. Surprise surprise, I cannot get on walmart1 website at all. need my payslips asap!! Absolutley rubbish!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  9. I have been trying to register for over a full day since receiving my job offer email, every time it just says that my details cannot be found on the system. I have cleared my history prior to trying, I have ensured all dates are in correct format etc. It has also been over 48 hours since my induction.

  10. I’ve not been on my WalmartOne account for ages, I can’t remember my password, in turn my security questions too. A basic question like ‘what’s your sister’s name?’, it’s saying that I’m putting the wrong answer. HELP.

  11. I can’t access my account for days now. “An internal error has occurred while processing your request. Please try again.” Surely it’s like I am in the 17 th century

  12. I’m sick of trying to get on the Asda UK sign in only to be always sent to the American (blue screen) and told I don’t exist. I get onto the green Asda page then when I try to log in it turns blue and that’s it. It’s sickening when you want to book hols or view pay. We should have our payslips emailed to us.

  13. This is a difficult way to go on line for to get into it’s a hit or a miss I am sure there has to be a easier way to look at booking holidays ,payslips and other things ,Not enough information i.e how much hours holidays colleagues have left to take and getting on to the site to find out if your holidays have been approved.
    I am not just speaking for myself here there are many colleagues who don’t even have computers it definitely needs to be made more clear for the ones that can get use of computers of any kind.???

  14. Really struggling to use the Asda Walmatone site, there are so many flaws and it is near impossible to navigate…

  15. All these negative comments and still they are still using this system come on make it easier I can’t even see my wages do something about it

  16. This is more than ridiculous now had enough of the Walmartone website. every bloody month it something from not being authorised to book my own holiday to this month can’t access payslips I need them ASAP for my mortgage advisor doesn’t recognise my email address n that I’m not an Asda Colleague just sort this out please. Been working for Asda about 13 yrs I’ve never had so much trouble in those years than I have now.

  17. Why has there been no effort to correct this website. I too have had much difficulty with navigating this site. if I am not doing it properly, then show me how to do it, not just let me read other colleagues desperate attempts. I want to book a day off my holiday s next week and get sent to a holiday resort instead!

  18. So, I have been drastically underpaid, worked for 10hrs unpaid and my manager Yatin said I will get all missing money in mays pay.. This is a lie. I’m the only female driver at colindale and the only driver who has been discriminated against. So, I worked 20.50hrs a week for a month, and got paid £195.00??really??… Is that supposed to include the missing 10hrs too? No.
    Im still adamant that someone or more than one person, is stealing from the workers.
    Everytime I worked a 6 hour shift, Yatin defaced my time sheet to say 5hrs. I started at 7am and came back to base at 1300hrs…THAT IS NOT A 5 HOUR SHIFT.
    Then, after Yatin apologised for his mistake he said an e-commerce manager called Lou was responsible for the mistake and that I would get all missing pay, in May.
    £195?? With no access to my punch report and no earthly or humanly way to get or see a payslip, asda have succeeded inp proving they don’t give a rats faeces about their staff.
    So, I have a meeting with An SMP, and yatin on Tuesday 28th May at1330hrs, yes, I’ll be bringing legal representation AND, a certain journalist who I am sure will shed light publicly on asdas DISGUSTING treatment of staff.

    1. They have to give you ur punch details if you ask for them ,see ur personel manager ive had mine many times they cant refuse you

  19. Dealing with the Walmart one website combined with ASDA phone services is like being the protagonist in a Kafka novel. You feel you’ve done something wrong but don’t know what it is, and no one tells you.
    You are trying to fight a huge stupid, unthinking, unwieldy machine but it’s just too big and inert to dent In any way.
    Sometimes you feel you’ve achieved a victory eg. It recognizes your password and admits you to the site, but then you can’t get into your payslips or book your holiday.. More wasted time.
    You call someone but you always get the wrong department. They put you through to ” the right department “, alas it is the wrong one again, you are told by a puzzled voice of thinly veiled irritation. Talk to a manager or section leader, Yeh right, talk to the machine with a human face, that’s another story. Or the tech adviser In LEEDS who calls you mate every sentence in a patronising, hostile manner, ” I don’t have any problems with it meself”. Well bully for you Technical adviser, and ta for the advise and I expect that’s why you got so far in life.
    Meanwhile, my life and sanity fritters away on minutiae. No holidays booked yet.

    1. I’m having the exact same issue of not being able to see payslips and holidays. Do you know a way around this? It’s frustrating the hell out of me

  20. Think something should be done about the ASDA Walmartone website. it is totally not acceptable the problems colleagues are facing trying to log on to access their own personal details

  21. Just reading all the cries for help on here, surely the managers of every dept can see how this new Onewire update did no one any favours at all. Not everyone has the same tech level of understanding the computer and how to go about finding info out. It’s very disheartening, very frustrating and so very unsuccessful. Please sort this out and soon.

  22. Appalling ! . . You have to have a computer and be able to use one to work with asda , what if you don’t ? ? Hard work and very frustrating ! !

  23. Hi I have recieved a letter from regarding walmart shares my store number is 4149 . Can anyone advised what colleagues are to do next to reply .

  24. I tried booking a holiday, clicked on shared portal and 403 Forbidden comes up with a blank screen. Wont let me do anything, help!! Extremely frustrating.

    1. Try clearing your browsing history press control on your keyboard and the letter h then try again, it should work

    2. Same thing happens to me, been told to go on Walmart one regarding the new contract, have my second meeting today and still can’t get on to Walmart one: some one said go into google and find Walmart one on there, going to give that a try

  25. I took retirement last week but I can’t log in to view my last payslip would I have been removed from being able to log in

  26. Hello I’m having trouble getting on to my Walmartone account forgotten my password and user name I need to make a new one or possibly reset my account, I’ve put in for some holidays but need to confirm it on my Walmart thanks

  27. quite long time i am trying to register but no luck . want to view my payslip and check if i got paid correctly but without registering can’t do anything ? why can’t we get paper slip again to avoid all this hassle ?

  28. Why can’t they just leave the Walmartone website alone. Just get it user friendly PLEASE and leave it!!!

  29. I cant get into my asda-walmart account. And it does not recognise my email address. Is there a number I can ring to get it all reset?

    1. If you need help with the ASDA Walmartone login process, or have a question about booking holidays, then call the United Kingdom HR Shared Services at: 0113 2919000.

      If you are experiences a technical login problem, or if you are receiving a site error on login, then call the ASDA ISD Service Desk on:
      Internal: #6123 – Option 2
      External phone number: 0113 8261262

  30. This is so hard I would like to nominate a colleague but don’t have the information that you ask for without all there details there for colleges are going without recognition so sad!!!

  31. Hi I have been trying to log in and guess what not letting me log in. My manager helped me with my holiday booking but now I couldn’t do anything Asda as a big company surely there must be easy way it can be done so all the colleague do not struggle to do there holiday booking, wages and any other things what Asda is going to tell as to do.

  32. They have changed all the links from what I remember. Anyway, finally found the Holiday booking page here:

    Good luck folks

  33. WalmartOne is a truly appalling website, they send you from the uk portal to the us portal. ive now had 37 password resets and can only get on in store. why can you just not email a payslip or even better have a simpler website to navigate or one that recognises your login credentials first time

    1. This is why our wage slips were taken away from us. Asda are determined to make everything more difficult for all colleagues by taking away our wage slips. It was simple to find out if we were short paid and we could tell exactly how many holidays we are entitled to. Now lots of colleagues are struggling trying to get this info on line!!!!

  34. Why is my name and password never recognised? I haven’t forgotten it. I was informed that it gets changed without my knowledge, which makes it impossible for me to sign in. Please can you sort this out. [email protected]

  35. My name is Elaine Berry, i work at Asda Gloucester branch and I am unable to change my password being trying for 30 mins but keeps telling me to contact the administrator. Trying to book a holiday but cannot get into the site. I work nights so cannot wait any longer.

  36. I’ve recently left asda and I’m trying to sign in to find out my last pay slip, but keeps coming up with 404 file or directory not found. Any ideas

  37. I have been trying to log into my account for over 2 months now. I managed to finally get on once about 3 weeks ago. I have scince tried to get on and what a surprise. It keeps telling me it doesn’t recognise my account name or password. I know I have the correct password and user name as I wrote it down when I registered. I have not been able to book holiday, also have been unable to view my pay slips and as I believe I haven’t been paid for over time I have done. And can’t corroberate this as am unable to actually get my pay slip. And my supervisor/manager keeps telling me I can only access it on line.
    I do not want my pay slips on a computer system that does not work. What is wrong with actually handing me a paper wage slip. So I have a copy for my records.

  38. I’ve reset my password over 7 times. And it still won’t le time log in.

    I need to book holiday ASAP

  39. hi trying book my they don’t recognize my user name or password. i have been trying yesterday but no success

  40. I work at asda Walmart Swindon,haydon end,i have not booked my holidays as I cant get on to the registration site,i found it once but cant find it again,i have all my details but just cant find the right site

    1. The website for booking holidays at Asda Walmart is: Enter your Walmart number and password to log in and book days off. Call the ASDA HR Services Department on Tel. 0113 2919000, if you have a question about booking your holiday.

      1. thank you i have book my holiday it not hard it’s much easier than i though i just carried on trying till it’s sorted.

      1. I have never seen such a website, I am trying to get into my payslip as I need a photo copy of it and can’t get in to do it worst website ever for such a big company to miserable to upgrade it, as per it’s just money all the time with Walmart

    1. Log in to to see your holiday bookings. Alternatively, call the ASDA HR Services on Tel. 0113 2919000, if you have a question about booking holiday.

  41. Hi,
    I am an ex employee of asda and been terminated in february. i actually want to know if it is possible to get a copy of my payslips because i’ve lost 4 of them. Before to be terminated i requested them but never received them and i really need these copies. Is it possible to get them?

    1. If you were terminated in February, you will no longer have access to the ASDA WalmartOne portal. Insted, call ASDA HR Shared Services on Tel. 0113 2919000, to arrange copies of your payslips.

    1. your bank personel information never add just ask your personnel manager, I am sure she can sort it out for you.’

  42. I can’t get into my Walmartone ASDA account. i have been trying for 2 months now , won’t be getting my holidays now. As i can’ get in all the dates for holidays that i want are already booked so no family holiday again as i can never get time off when the rest of the family are off.

    1. Peter Collins it’s same for me it must be the worst site ever I have seen lots of complaints but they don’t seem to do anything about it

  43. Just reading, the comments others have put on they are right impossible to book holidays my supervisor refuses to do it for me says it has to be done on line, how. nothing works, what do I do,

  44. I have never come across a website so difficult to navigate as the Walmart one website can”t get into my account at all.

    1. phone number for asda walmart uk ASDA HR department is 0843 557 5124. When you call this number, press 2 to get through to HR.

      Asda Walmart payroll phone number is 0843 557 3638

  45. The Walmart One website is so difficult to navigate, especially if you want to book a holiday and find out if it has been granted.

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